Home Business Information and Advice - Fail Fast for Financial Freedom

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Financial Freedom is within your grasp. I know this because it is within everybody's grasp.

Some people, though, won't get off the couch or turn off the TV long enough to reach out and take hold of it. Others, like you, know there is a path to success, a path to financial freedom, worth following.

The fact is, there are many paths. Some of them are longer than others and some wind around, crossing themselves so that you think you're back where you started--while others simply lead straight.

There has never been a shorter, straighter path than exists right now. Never in human history has it been so simple, so possible for anyone to achieve financial freedom for themselves.

The hows and whys are outside the scope of this article, but you already know most of them. You've heard, and probably have even said, the expression "the world gets smaller every day."

You know that you can walk into a library, sit down at a computer, sign up for a free email account, send a message to someone half-a-world away, and receive an answer almost instantaneously--and do it all absolutely for free.

And since you know that, you know that you can successfully start your own home business. You may not know how yet, but you know you can.

Remember, there are many paths, but the straightest and shortest path to financial freedom you can follow right from home. You can follow the path when you're not at work, or if you're not working for whatever reason you may be able to run along the path to reach the end more quickly.

It's a straight path, but it's not without perils--both minor and major. Picture a path leading right where you want to go that has some boulders to climb, maybe a river to cross, and some thick overgrowth to get past.

Will you turn back?

That depends.

Most people will turn back or not even start. They won't build the home business of their dreams that allows them to achieve all of their dreams while working at home--and even more that they haven't yet considered.

So what is stopping you?

Think for a moment about what you learned in school. Not what you were taught, which is important too, but what you learned.  It has everything to do with whether you will be successful at your home business.

Let's make the distinction very clear that we're referring to what you learned, what became a part of you, rather than what you were directly taught.

You were taught material in subjects like mathematics, history, physical education and languages. Once completing your primary education, which generally takes 12-14 years, you may have gone on to higher learning and invested another 2, 4 or even 8 years or more in your education.

Regardless of the subject matter, regardless of your current profession or purpose, regardless of what you've gone on to do with the information, you made decisions and formed beliefs throughout this impressionable time.

Do you know what they are?

Probably not. But it's not too difficult to figure them out.

How did you feel when you performed well: maybe you aced a difficult test, scored the winning point in the end-of-season basketball game, or performed a flawless solo at the holiday concert? Did you feel great?

What about when you had a bad day and lost the game, failed a test or even a class, or got in trouble for goofing off? How did you feel then?

This pattern repeated itself over and over and over, and over again, for 10, 15, 20 or more years. It became ingrained, and it did so quickly.

You learned during your school years that people are proud of you when you do well and that they become disappointed when you don't. You might have learned that you get rewarded when you do well and punished when you don't.

And your behavior to this day reflects that.

Fortunately, now that you are aware of it, you can adapt accordingly. Success is great, it feels great, and you do get rewarded for it.

But failure is also great and there is a reward for that too! In sports, in business, in everything in life, failure is how we learn to do better:

  • In 1879, Thomas Edison invented the first commercially practical incandescent electric lamp--after failing hundreds and hundreds of times. What would life today be like if Edison had turned back?

  • Brian Tracy, the well known personal and business self-improvement author says, "It is impossible to succeed without failing. Failure is a prerequisite for success."

  • And Michael Jordan, best known for his professional basketball career with the Chicago bulls, but also known for many other achievements, has said,

    "I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career.
    I've lost almost 300 games.
    26 times I've been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed.
    I've failed over and over and over again in my life.
    And that is why I succeed."

So what then is not great? Neither succeeding nor failing. Again quoting Michael Jordan, "I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying."

Get out there and try.  The key, the critical factor, is to take action.  Sure, you'll make a mistake.  Sure, some things won't go as planned.  How you interpret what happens, though, determines whether you will succeed.  You can decide that you're failing, and move on to something else (the couch is calling!).  Or, you can realize that you've learned something from each failure or mistake, and accelerate the failures so you can learn faster.

Pretty soon, you'll achieve the critical mass you need; you'll have acquired the necessary knowledge, you'll have the right skills, and you'll have experience to draw on to make every day better than the one before.  And you know what, you'll have some fun doing it!

Running a home business can be as simple as selling a few things on eBay or sharing your favorite multi-level marketing products with friends and family. But for a few possible exceptions, these are not a path to financial freedom.

Financial freedom, though, is within your grasp. It may have been difficult to believe when you started reading this, but your beliefs should already be changing. Whether you choose to operate your own home business or take the curvy, long path, the choice is yours. Either way, I wish you luck!

The next step is simple. In fact, every step is simple when you look at just one step at a time. And regardless of what the step requires doing, it always boils down to one thing: take action. One week from now, you'll not only believe--you'll be convinced.

To learn more about how to succeed, what path to take, and where to begin or improve your home business, click right now on one of the home business links within this article.  You can make a dramatic difference today and enjoy working from home.


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